With Thanksgiving around the corner, our school walls are
covered with beautiful fall and holiday-themed artwork. It makes me realize how
thankful I am for my artistic coworkers.
One I’m particularly thankful for is Susan Joyer who loves
art, loves kids and loves children’s literature. That is a winning combination
in my book, in fact that winning combination is in one of my books—The
Giant’s Sneeze.

I wrote this story to give my students an entertaining way
to practice their “ch” sounds, a fairly common speech error. Since my artistic
talents are limited, Susan Joyer volunteered to illustrate the story so we
could both use it with our students to encourage pre-reading skills along with
Speech and reading skills are interdependent and children
make leaps toward literacy when those skills are taught together. It so
happens, this practice fits in nicely with one of the Common Cores Standards—Reading: Foundational Skills (RF.1.3)
where students are expected to,
“Know the spelling-sound
correspondences for common consonant digraphs (two letters that represent one sound).”
Like “ch” for example.
I had a chance to read our book to a couple of classes
yesterday. It was fun to watch the kids’ enthusiastic response to Susan’s
illustrations and to the story. They chimed right in when the giant gave his
mighty warning of several “ch” sounds before each sneeze. They laughed at the
blustering sneeze-breeze that turned milk into cheese and scattered millions of
bees. They were especially entranced with the honey tornado caused by the gusty
sneeze when it, “rounded up the scattered bees, and funneled their honey far
into the seas.”
Gabe, one of the first grade students, wondered if the giant
put bread on his honey. That sparked some lively discussions about what the
honey tornado might look like with thick slices of bread stuck to the sides. By
the end of the story, the students had no problem identifying the sound
represented by “ch” and they had no trouble showing me how to articulate the
sound clearly. We’ll probably need to review the information after the holiday
break, but that should be an easy job. I’ve already heard students say, “Read
it again, read it again!”
Thanksgiving will be here soon. I can almost smell the
turkey cooking and apple cider simmering on the stove. There will be ten of us
around our table and I’m grateful for each one. When I return to work on the
following Monday, fall decorations will start coming down and winter snowflakes
and snowmen will begin to make an appearance. My Thanksgiving attitude will
linger as I watch the transformation brought about by many of my coworkers who
use their artistic talents to create an inviting learning environment for our
students, and an inviting place to go to work each day. And I feel especially
grateful to Susan Joyer for using her artistic talents to bring The Giant’s Sneeze to life.
Happy Thanksgiving! May it be filled with good food, friends
and family.