You may have noticed I haven’t been posting much for the
past year. Instead, I’ve been busy working on other writing projects. I was
nudged to get back to my blog when I received a digital review copy of the book
I featured in my last post. Thank you, Marissa, for sending Calling All Cars my way! I’d forgotten
how much I enjoy posting about books and engaging my students in the process.
Now that the review bug has bitten me again, I’ll be on the
lookout for new books to share with my students and I’ll pass along our recommendations.
While I wait for the next batch to roll in I thought I’d introduce one of my
own that is frequently requested by my students, The Ghostly Night, written and illustrated by myself, Jeanette W.

I wrote this story to give my students an engaging way to
practice their “g” sounds. I had no idea how successful it would be. The kids continue
to ask for this book even after mastering their “g” sounds.
In The Ghostly Night
Kristy can’t get to sleep.
“The wind rattled her window. The
full moon threw grasping shadows across her bedroom wall. They swayed with the
rhythm of the wind.”
Before long, Kristy calls her mother,
“Mom!” she cried. “There’s a
g - g - g ghost in my
She calls again when the wind howls, when a branch scrapes
her bedroom window, and when she sees her curtains move. Each time, the kids
join in “reading” the repeated line, “There’s a g -
g - g ghost in my room.” They can’t seem to
help themselves. That makes for a lot of practice with the “g” sound. It also
gives them an understanding of the sound the letter represents, a phonemic
awareness skill that fits right in with the Common Core State Standards
(especially RF.K.3a where students are expected to “Demonstrate basic knowledge
of letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or most frequent sound
for each consonant.”)
One teacher told me her whole class erupted in clapping when
the tables turned on the Mother at the end of the story. You can imagine how
pleased I was to hear that report—almost as pleased as I will be to introduce
more stories to my students in the coming months.
I look forward to finding those special books to enrich the
lives of my students and my readers.