A few of the kids tried their hand at illustrating some scenes.
One clever child thought a snowflake-style sock might look
like a knitted one from the story.
This historical fiction takes place in 1917 when the United
States entered World War I. The soldiers’ clothes weren’t adequate to face the
harsh winter conditions so the Red Cross stepped in and alerted the
nation. Soon men, women and children
across the country picked up knitting needles and clicked away to produce warm
clothing for the soldiers. They knitted in classrooms, churches and even on the
subway. Knitting clubs formed, knitting bees popped up, and on July 30, 1918 a
three-day “Knit-In” was held at Central Park in New Your City. That provided
the model for the Knitting Bee of Knit
your Bit.
This first person
picture book begins with Mikey’s father departing for the war.
When Pop
left to be a soldier, I wanted to go with him.
brave,” I told Pop.
know, Mikey,” he said, patting my shoulder. “And you’ll need to be, ‘cause it
takes just as much courage to stay behind.”
Mikey discovered a new kind of courage when, on a dare, he
joined a knitting competition. It was the Boy’s Knitting Brigade against the Purl
Girls. Before the knitting bee battle began, Mikey’s brigade had to learn how to knit. The girls, on the other
hand, were experienced knitters. This three-day competition had its ups and
downs and zigs and zags but in the end, well, I won’t take you there, you’ll
just have to read the book to discover the winner. From my students’
perspective, and mine, the readers of this book are the real winners. It is a
touching story and need not be saved for Memorial Day.
Toward the end of the book, a wounded soldier wandered by
Mikey struggling with his knitting needles; I struggled to keep my voice from
breaking as I read their interaction through a watery-eyed blur (it must have
been the pollen in the air).
The author’s note at the back of this book gives historical
information and a couple of great websites if you’re inclined toward further
research. One tid bit new to me was the discovery that there are still groups
of people knitting for soldiers today. You can find out more here: http://www.nationalww2museum.org/learn/knit-your-bit/index.html
After reading this story, my students talked a little about
Memorial Day, but they talked more of how people can help each other. Landen
likes to help people learn to play new games, Eleazar helps friends when they
fall on the playground, and Darius thinks it’s important to help people get
food when they’re hungry. Amelia told me that her sister, Lilah, is doing
something similar to Mikey in the story. She and a friend have joined their
school-bus driver to knit scarves for the homeless in our community. Like Mikey,
they’ve discovered we can all contribute something to the world, we can all “Knit
our Bit” and change the texture of our world.